Religious Liberty (and the Shakers)

I support religious liberty. People have the right to seek peace with their creator. The 1st Amendment recognizes complete religious liberty to all faiths. The state has no right to restrict religion, except when its services or rituals entail criminal acts, such as human sacrifice or sexual abuse of children. (A Jewish story from NYC … Continue reading Religious Liberty (and the Shakers)

Finding Ardella

I stood at the grave, 115 years separating me from her. Ada Ardella Bridges was the first wife of my 1st great-grandfather Harvey Anderson Pierce (1877-1929). She passed away in 1906 at age 32. Her infant daughter lay beside her, unnamed, who was born and died on the same day in 1905... When initially doing … Continue reading Finding Ardella

Coming Home: Genealogy and Regional Culture

White America is under siege culturally, not militarily. It is time for my brothers to come home. For a few that may mean geographically relocating, but for many it will simply mean awakening to who they are -to who their people are. Doing my personal genealogy was what started me on this journey. Who are … Continue reading Coming Home: Genealogy and Regional Culture